Is it real or is it true?
Our thoughts are real, but are they true?
Each of us looks at the world and interacts with others through a unique lens that is influenced and distorted by a variety of things, including:
· Our past experiences
· Our own spoken or unspoken fears
· Our emotional state, and
· By not actively listening
(By that I mean that when we’re listening to someone, our mind may wander or we may start planning or rehearsing our response in our head instead of giving our full attention to what is being said, both verbally and nonverbally)
So even though you and I may participate in the same activity or situation, our experience or reaction to what transpired will be unique to each of us.
The way we see the world through our own lens presents both a challenge and an opportunity. How can we see past its natural distortions to find the truth?
The first step is to pause, and ask “Is what I believe true?”
I’m still amazed that when I pause and ask myself whether what I am thinking is true, so often the answer is “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure.”
To figure out what is truly going on we may need to look both inward and outward.
Ask yourself why you are feeling or responding in a certain way
What am I thinking/believing right now?
Is this true?
Is it possible that while my thought/belief is real it may not be true?
If the thought that is on your mind involves another person, ask the other person for more information or clarification
Quite often when I ask someone if my perception of what is going on with them or between us is true, the response is completely unexpected and changed my understanding of the situation.
Both inquiries (inward and outward) are valuable. They can also be uncomfortable or scary, so trust your inner wisdom, take it at your own pace and comfort level, and make sure you have appropriate support if you need it. I believe they are worth doing.
To learn more
Sign up for a copy of my 10 Tips for Meditation Practice below to help you get started and book a private or group session that interests you at
Remember to always approach new information with care and discernment: take what resonates with you or works for your situation, and feel free to leave the rest behind.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
I want to be clear that I provide coaching services and meditation instruction to support personal growth and development. I am not a medical or mental health professional or therapist and do not offer medical advice, psychological counseling, or therapeutic services. This post is for informational purposes only, is not medical or health advice, and does not replace the advice of a licensed medical or mental health professional, or other healthcare provider.
Links or references to other sites or sources of information should not be construed in any way as an endorsement of or agreement with the contents of any resource or site.