Walk Like A Puppy

“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

This past summer I took care of my sister’s puppy, an adorable little Yorkie, while she enjoyed a well-deserved vacation and break with friends. Harley and I have known each other for 13 years, so it was a treat for me to spend time with him.

Harley and I both like to walk, and he was excited to explore every corner of my neighborhood. As we walked it struck me how focused he was on simply enjoying and experiencing every step he took. From the joyous freedom of sprinting full speed down the street (as fast as I could keep up) to patiently burying his nose in the grass and plants along the way—fully experiencing them with all his senses—he was simply and completely present in the moment. There was one large bush that became his favorite and I wasn’t sure why until I leaned in, buried my nose alongside his in the leaves, and discovered a beautiful scent that didn’t otherwise reach me as I was walking by.

I let Harley choose our path every day. We had no destination; we were not trying to get anywhere. It was wonderful. It was a form of meditation.


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